Category Archives: Summary

If Only Scientists Could Remember… Science Has Its Responsibilities

Summary: Research Forum has this week, 5 November 2008, carried an analysis (including an article by me) of A Vision for Science and Society, which DIUS, the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills launched on 18 July and concluded on 17 October. The debate is by no means over. This is a conversation which has as yet a way to run.

The full version of this article, exploring the view that science in the service of civil society needs to find ways to engage more openly with those whom it seeks to serve, is available on Hilary’s professional website, here.

DIUS Science And Society Consultation

Summary: The UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills has just conducted a consultation on Science and Society. What follows is a version of my submission to DIUS on this subject, covering issues such as the role of scientists in the service of government, the use of social science, the need to develop regional science strategies, engagement and stakeholding, the iterative way science evolves in its inevitably social context/s, and how different sorts of people feel about and become active (or not) in this process.

A full version of this paper is available on Hilary’s professional website, here.

How Many Science And Technology Graduates In Liverpool And Merseyside?

Summary: The Liverpool city region (Merseyside) looks on available evidence to have only about half the number of scientists which might be expected on the basis of the overall national statistics.

So by what indicators might Merseyside measure progress in the retention and development of graduate scientists and technologists?

Why do Liverpool and Merseyside stay so near the bottom of the national economic stakes?

A complete version of this article can be found on Hilary’s professional website, here.

The Science Council Lecture On Government Science Policy

Summary: The Science Council’s first Sir Gareth Roberts Science Policy Lecture on 6th November 2007 was an excellent opportunity to learn the views of Ian Pearson MP, Minister of State for Science and Innovation.
Much of the  Department for Innovation, Universities and Science (DIUS) Minister’s speech concerned science and society, and the enormous challenges that scientists and the wider community must now confront.

The complete version of this article is posted on Hilary’s professional website, here.